
Journey Through the Old Testament – Part I-II


Journey Through the Old Testament – The Five Books of Moses
Hardcover with ribbon, 384 pages, 212 color illustrations

Journey Through the Old Testament – Stories About Kings, Judges and Prophets
Hardcover with ribbon, 432 pages, 232 color illustrations

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“Journey Through the Old Testament” is a richly illustrated family storybook. Part I contains the most important stories from the beginning of the Bible. On each double-page spread, beautiful images of art invite conversation about the Biblical theme. The artwork is explained for the children, the Bible texts for the adults. A book that places value on quality pictures in the transmission of faith.

The second Part of the reading and picture Journey Through the Old Testament for families is about the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. There is no end of story telling here. It includes, for example, the story of the fight of little David against the giant Goliath. The stories are world literature. A treasure trove for artists of all times. Over 200 brilliantly printed works of art show the wide range of artistic reception.